The Growing Importance of Content Analytics

Know the importance of content analytics for your business

The Growing Importance of Content Analytics 49

Digital marketing will continue being driven by content. However, the days of blind spraying of content on all platforms are gone. Content analytics has made it possible to track the returns on your efforts and also align your content to your marketing goals. If you need marketing assignment help, get professional homework assistants to help you focus on other more important and profitable engagements.

The Growing Importance of Content Analytics

Content analytics should never be an alien word for anyone in digital marketing. Still, it helps to clear the air on the subject of discussion.

Content analytics is data collected from all the content you share online. It provides such details as the number of people who accessed an article, what they did on the article, how long visitors stayed on a page, and whether they acted on your Call-To-Action, among other details. Such data is not just redundant when you sit to make a calendar or develop a strategy.

The winning blogs, websites, and social media pages have recognized the place of content analytics. As more advanced tools help content marketers, businesses should learn the value of this present-day asset.

Importance of Content Analytics

Here are a few insights on why content analytics is so important and reasons you should embrace it as part of your business.

Adjust and Improve Your Content Strategy

Analytics is a report card on what you have been up to on different platforms on the internet. Content analytics are specific to channels and will give you an idea of what worked and the steps that did not work. In fact, it should act as a checklist to see how well your plan performed.

It is worth noting that a solid content strategy includes tangible results. For instance, if you are spending 1$ to attract Facebook likes, you must know how much each cent earned. It is the results of the analytics that tell you whether these expectations were met.

Once you discover that the goals were achieved or did not materialize, you move on to adjust the strategy. You pay more attention to the elements that were successful while scaling down on those that did not perform well. By this approach, you will be sure that the investments you are making will bear fruits.

Develop Market Specific Campaigns

Content analytics provides details of how different markets are interacting with your content. Social media is especially good at segmenting markets whenever you are running campaigns. For instance, analytics figures will tell you whether it is male followers or female followers who responded to your content.

Such information is crucial when designing future campaigns. For instance, if you target men yet they are not clicking on a link, you will develop new strategies to attract the men. This is the future of digital marketing because it helps you to get better value for your marketing budget.

A market-specific campaign is especially important to guarantee value for your budget. Instead of spreading your resources in a haphazard manner with no guarantee for returns, you concentrate the resources on a market where the returns are favorable.

Through analytics, you can identify the most competitive market segment. From such information, you will know whether you are wasting resources or should expect any returns. It is one of the ways of sharpening marketing campaigns so that they can deliver desired results.

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Guarantee Value for Money

Content marketing is an investment. Whether you spend money setting up ads or time creating content, you must make profit from the venture. Without profit, you are wasting time and resources marketing content.

At the end of a campaign cycle, it is only prudent to evaluate your performance against the budget and effort you put. One of the checklists to use is content analytics. From the analytics, you can determine whether the dollars you spent advertising resulted in sales. It helps you to craft a better campaign in future, which would guarantee the best returns.

Value for money means more than the sales you make. Publicity and engagement are the intangible aspects of marketing that require more sensitive measuring tools. Luckily, analytic tools are advanced enough to provide minute details about such activities online.

Crucial for Building Business Relationships

Content analytics goes beyond the sales you made or the people that clicked on your content. Depending on the tools you use, you will learn more about the persons you are interacting with on your website or social media platform. Are they male or female, where do they come from, do they comment in the morning or evening, and a lot more about your market. This information becomes crucial in your marketing and customer relationship endeavors.

Having established the gender, location, and such other identities of your clients, you can create content as well as build campaigns around your followers. As an example, you know how women consume information or the way young adults engage with videos. By aligning your campaign to their consumption habits, you develop a closer and more loyal relationship.

Analytics also helps you to understand your website or social media platforms. You can tell the most popular pages and where readers click next when they are done with one page, among other details. As you enhance the attractiveness of your website, you have areas to work on thanks to analytics.

Building customer relationship is not just about the interactions. Once you fix a page that is returning error or provide more internal links, you build a loyal following that becomes a crucial pillar in your digital marketing strategy. A strong business relation with your followers or clients then builds an army of brand users and defenders. In the long run, you spend less on marketing and have a dependable pool of customers that you can bank on for your future strategies.

Learn About Competition

Content analytics should not be about your business alone. The figures help you to look outside as you gauge your performance alongside that of your competition. It is an open secret that you will not access details about the performance of other websites or their campaigns. However, you can use your results to identify areas where your competition beat you or is approaching.

An example is the Domain Authority rating. At the end of the campaign or after advertising your website, has the authority improved? Is it better than that of your rival brands? Are there keywords you are using that are less competitive at the expense of what your competition is riding on?

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Knowledge of the performance of your competition is crucial when designing your marketing campaign. Specifically, it helps you to identify your strengths and exploit the weakness of your competitors. You can also see areas that would spend less money, yet bring more returns without facing stiff competition. Simply put, you develop a more competitive and rewarding campaign when you understand what other players are doing in the market. You avoid tiring competition that drains your energy and resources without delivering desired returns.

Quantifying Your Content

How much of what content do you need for optimal performance? Could you be producing more tweets than Facebook posts yet Facebook has better returns? Are the videos too long or too short to convert? Where is the best section of a video to place an ad? Such information is only available from content analytics.

Quantifying content is crucial to avoid tiring consumers. You have an idea of exactly what your customers want. You avoid overdoing it or under-doing your content.

Remember that each inch or minute of content costs money. Whether you are paying a freelancer or the content is generated indoor, it has a cost implication. As such, you can place a cost or value onto a video or article.

Quantifying also refers to the percentage each type of content is bringing to your business. Out of 100 sales, how many are coming from Facebook and what number comes from Instagram. Once you retreat to develop your content and distribute it across platforms, you know the areas that require more attention.

 Improve Customer Experience

Each business has a responsibility to improve customer experience if it wants to sustain its growth. This is only possible when you learn their likes and dislikes. Interpreting content analytics accurately will help you to make the right customer-experience decisions.

Here is an example,

Analytics tell you about the pages customers are spending more time and those that they are ignoring. You also learn about abandonment time for a video or social media posts that no one is clicking. From this information, you understand your customers and their desires better. In the next campaign or as you evaluate your strategy, you have practical areas to improve.

A better customer experience is invaluable. It results in improved loyalty that helps you to build a community around your brand. The community gives birth to brand ambassadors who recruit more people to your end.

Any improvement on your customer experience has a positive ripple effect. Customers feel that you are responsive to their needs and they will, therefore, opt to stay with you. In fact, they will comment on your content, share, and recommend to friends. In the end, you receive valuable yet free marketing.


Content analytics ensure that you do not approach the market haphazardly. It pronounces an end to blind marketing. Analytics provides information that helps you to look behind at what you are doing and ahead at how you can achieve better results. Every investment you make will be calculated to minimize resource wastage. This is a map showing how well your efforts measure against others in the market and your prudence in resource utilization. It is a report card that tells you whether you obtained that which you sort when you embarked on digital marketing.

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