10 Cool Things to Post on Facebook That Generate High Engagement


Facebook engagement is a brilliant way to spread your voice to the masses. Engagement is any action relating to like, share, comments as well as tagging. Such activities help to boost organic traffic on your social media page, and the Facebook algorithm will give more weightage to your content if it has more likes and comments.

You can extend your followers as well as enhance the brand awareness of your product. Finding the interest of your users and then targeting them in a planned manner can give you the fruitful outcomes. However, you have to make sure that you are posting the right content at the correct times.


There are many digital marketing strategies that you can use to provide a highly interactive experience to the users. Likes and shares are one the best way to extend your reach. One study found that only likes and shares can enhance the reach to 10-12 people more.

1. Entertain the Audience

Facebook is not a platform to pitch your sales ideas. Yes, people are there to read and get entertained, but they are not going to pay attention to any promotional content. People are looking for something that makes them laugh or is beneficial for them.

For instance, you can add humour in your content while at the same time providing them with information about your brand. But remember, keep your message short and to the point. Lengthy statements loaded with boring details will not get you anywhere. Create content that connects with your audience and followers.

2. Get to know your Audience

Knowing your audience is vital in running a successful campaign. The best Facebook marketing tip is to use that to your advantage. Research the likes and interests of the readers. Once you have a clear idea about what they want, then you have done half the job. Next step is to tailor the message as per their needs. Give them what they desire.

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Facebook insight is handy when you want to know your audience taste. It provides a lot of useful data that can help you make a real connection with your fans. Many successful campaigns use this tool to know the interactive level of fans in response to different content.

3. Keep it short

Keep your content short, sweet and as informative as possible. Many Facebook stats show that more than 80% of Facebook users prefer short posts. By making long videos or big posts cannot give you desired results. Keep your fan motivated and grab their attention with unique ideas.

4. Focus on quality

Use quality over quantity. Keep the originality of content at the same time, making it more fun for readers to read. Keep your audience intact and define new ways to connect with your followers.

5. Use Images

Facebook posts that have high-quality photos have way more engagement than posts without photos. You can use simple images as well. To get started, all you need is your mobile camera. If you do not have good photography skills, then you can use HD stock images.

Use relevant images, try to be more original and do not compromise on image quality. Do minor editing if it is necessary.

6. Facebook Live and Videos

Videos are becoming a trendy medium to entertain and inform people. Facebook Live is a handy tool that can increase the engagement of your readers. It is found that Facebook live posts offer a higher interactive experience to fans as compared to average posts.

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Like photos, you can use mobile to make videos or go live. Keep your videos short, sweet and deliver the intended message without making things complicated.

7. Ask a question

Asking questions is a great way to involve your fans. You can begin by asking questions like

  • What are your views on particular topics (you can choose the topic)?
  • Do you endorse this statement (statement from a politician or any influential celebrity)?
  • What is your favorite recipe?
  • What is your favorite movie?

These are just few examples to help you get started. You could also ask personalized questions about your page and see how they react.

8. Respond to Fans

Respond to fans, reply to their comments. If the answer needs further explanations, you can direct the query to the customer service team or your digital marketing agency team handling the issue and have them answer the question in detail.

Following-up to their concerns can lead to a better connection and which in return can be profitable for your brand.

9. Make Facebook Group

Making Facebook is the perfect way to interact with your fans. Facebook group pages can help you find people with similar interests and help to create more brand loyalty.

10. Regular Posting

Post content at right times, posting time is crucial in engaging your fans. Do the research and target the readers when they are online. Be consistent, and regularly update your posts.


These are the things that can certainly help you in getting more views and likes. Try these tips in all your campaigns, and you will see the difference.  Using these tips can increase engagement and keep your friends checking your page. Remember never to disconnect with your audience, and keep on interacting with them.

When you talk about digital marketing and online marketing trends, then no one is superior than Helen Marshall. I have the highest experience and wanted you all to learn what’s new in the market. Follow me at Webotic Solutions.