Tech News

5 Google Search Console Insights That Will Actually Make Your Life Better

On June 15, 2021, Google has launched a new feature to its Search Console or GSC, called Search Console Insights (SCI). Google Search Console Insights is designed to help site owners understand which content resonates with their audience and how they find it. It will be a great asset to see the site’s performance.

Here are the 5 Google Search Console Insights That Will Actually Make Your Life Better

1. Site overview
2. Your new content stats
3. Your most popular content
4. How do people find you
5. Google Search- Page View, Avg. page view duration, Clicks

What are Search Console Insights?

Google Search Console Insights is the new feature added by Google to help site owners, content creators, and digital marketers to get quick insights into the data.

What insights does Google Search Console Provide?

The tool provides the following insights,
1. Site overview
2. Your new content
3. Your most popular content
4. How do people find you
5. Google Search- Page View, Avg. page view duration, Clicks
6. Referring links from other websites
7. Social media Shares

How to access Search Console Insights?

You can access the Search Console Insights here –

What are the benefits of Search Console Insights?

The Search Console Insights will help you with,

1. What are your best-performing pieces of content, and which ones are trending?
2. How do people discover your content across the web?
3. What do people search for on Google before they visit your content?
4. Which article refers users to your website and content?

Producing great content is an effective way to build a loyal and engaged audience that can help you achieve your goals, such as helping to grow your business and brand, raising awareness to a cause, or helping people. Great content comes in many shapes and forms, such as an inspiring blog post, helpful guide, or a fun questionnaire, and creating it takes effort, dedication, and being highly attentive to what your audiences appreciate.

To help you better understand which content of yours resonates with your audiences, introducing a new experience called Search Console Insights. This experience joins data from both Search Console and Google Analytics with the goal of making it easy to understand your content’s performance. Whether you are a web content creator, blogger, or website owner, and independent of your technical expertise, it can provide you with an overview and helpful insights on how your content is performing. This new experience will gradually be rolled out to all Search Console users in the upcoming days.

Benefits of Search Console Insights?

Here are some sample questions that this experience will help you answer:

  1. What are your best performing pieces of content, and which ones are trending?
  2. How do people discover your content across the web?
  3. What do people search for on Google before they visit your content?
  4. Which article refers users to your website and content?

Accessing Search Console Insights

There are a few ways to access Search Console Insights:

  • Select Search Console Insights from the top of Search Console’s Overview page.
  • Use this link to access it directly and save a bookmark (you can always search for ‘search console insights’ on Google and visit our site!)

Coming soon – In the iOS Google App, select Search Console Insights in the account menu (tap your profile picture). Google is also working to also add Android Google App support.

Even if you don’t use Google Analytics, you can still use Search Console Insights. However, to get the full experience and the best insights about your content, we recommend associating (linking) your Google Analytics property with your relevant Search Console property. Please note that for now, Search Console Insights only supports Google Analytics Universal Analytics properties (their ID starts with a “UA-“), but they are working to support Google Analytics 4.

To know more about the upcoming features of Google Search Console Insights you can subscribe to Google Blogs here.

Source: Google Search Central Blog

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