Why SEO Champion is a must for Enterprise

Why SEO Champion is a must for Enterprise 49

Through enterprise SEO champion not only you can keep a proper communication channel that is focused on SEO aspects you also provide them with an expert and tools to achieve their goals.

We all know the importance of a champion in any team and If you have more than one, even better. SEO business no business. Any enterprise that hires professional SEO services will get great results while spending the least amount possible.

As an agency, it should be your top priority to provide affordable SEO packages without compromising on the quality of work. SEO is a lot of hard work and requires time, effort, and expertise. You cannot deliver if you do not have someone who breathes SEO day in and out. i.e. SEO Champion, someone who can ensure that the project sails through and essential aspects of SEO are always part of the consideration.

It doesn’t matter if you are an agency handling SEO or an In-house SEO team, you need to make sure you identify the SEO champions and know how to work with them.

The larger the enterprise corporation and the website, the more complex and challenging it is to manage the SEO work, and SEO champions become a game-changer. SEO Champions can be found anywhere, a champion for the agency, Stakeholders, or SEO SME who helps different teams in understanding SEO and assist in decisions about SEO.

SEO Champions (Agency and In-house)

The biggest challenge for agencies remains a short-term mindset. Most of them usually don’t consider client engagement as a key factor. It is limited to the duration of project work. Similarly, the company doesn’t care much and thinks that they have hired the agency, and their job is done. They both lack coordination and communication.

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Why SEO Champion is a must for Enterprise

Here the role of SEO champion becomes crucial. Through enterprise SEO champion not only you can keep a proper communication channel that is focused on SEO aspects you also provide them with an expert and tools to achieve their goals.

The champion will ensure a communication channel with the agency and also help others within the Enterprise to be open to reaching out to the agency. This helps in fostering a better engagement. The same is the case with SEO champions identified by the agency, and they will stay on SEO-related progress and help in the overall success.

Communication is always two ways

The key to a successful partnership remains the free flow of communication between company and agency. Make sure you provide channels for SEO champions and other folks working on the project.  

  • Schedule Regular Check-Ins to discuss progress and challenges.
  • Keeping SEO experts on the client-side for the duration of the project is a great way to communicate timely and directly.

It is always a mutual effort, whether you are in-house SEO or agency SEO champion, you need to own the responsibility, simply reporting issues and passing the buck won’t help. Whenever there is a roadblock ensure both sides are aware and work collectively to overcome the issue and move ahead.

Stakeholder SEO Champion

Stakeholders are typically present in the business meets where big decisions are made and it is important to have at least one stakeholder who is an SEO champion as well. The success of SEO needs to have a Champion SEO stakeholder who might be leading the SEO teams or simply checking the progress and sharing the reports with other key stakeholders.

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Usually, in meetings where the business is discussed, the technicality of SEO might get side-lined, and having a stakeholder who is into SEO can ensure it gets discussed and highlighted to keep everyone on the same page. This stakeholder will play a key role in prioritizing the work better depending on the stage of the SEO project. 

Subject Matter Expert SEO Champion

Subject Matter Experts (SME) as an SEO champion is another great way of ensuring excellent results in SEO campaigns. The larger Enterprise, which has a lot of teams like engineering, merchandisers, product managers, usually asks one member to learn SEO and become SME and help others learn aspects related to SEO.

In the digital world, if your team members have SEO knowledge, it can be a great asset. It helps in a proper understanding of communication across teams, and hence the SEO work can be done smoothly. Don’t forget to provide training to SMEs periodically, so they understand strategical decisions better and pass that on effectively to other team members.


Managing SEO for an enterprise is a real deal, a complex and comprehensive work that requires expertise and effort from both company and the hired SEO agency. It is imperative to run into issues and roadblocks during the contract period, and the best way to deal with them is by communicating and understanding each other. SEO champions become crucial for success.

SEO experts can be one or more than one depending on the size and structure of organizations. SEO champions will act as a bridge not only between the company and agency but for different teams working for enterprise websites as well.

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